Jac Boutaud manages council-owned trees in Tours, a medium-sized city in western France, on the lower reaches of the Loire river.
Jac is the founder and a Trustee of “Les Arbusticulteurs” (which literally translates to “The Shrubculturits”) a charity promoting better use and management of shrubs from a technical, landscape, economic and environmental perspective.
He is also the founder and manager of the Petite Loiterie Arboretum (www.lapetiteloiterie.fr), a 12-ha “pedagogical park” designed for both professional and the wider public to learn and experiment with tree and shrub pruning and study their architecture. His ‘collection’ is unique in multiple ways: It only includes specimens readily available in commercial nurseries (it boasts over 2,000 species and cultivars).
Trees and shrubs are grouped based on similarities in their foliage, so that people can compare and contrast and therefore recognize them.
Several individuals of many given specie of shrubs and some given specie of trees are planted, with one left to grow unpruned while the others are subject to different pruning techniques. It includes over 2km of mixed species hedges, wetlands and meadows, maintained with environmentally friendly techniques.
Jac regularly delivers training and workshops for students, public and private sectors professionals and non-professionals on tree and shrub pruning and management. He is the author of one of the reference text books in France on formative pruning, published in 2003 by the French Society of Arboriculture.
On Wednesday 18th March, he will be visiting Barcham Trees to speak about his work. This seminar will be free of charge to attend, with lunch and refreshments included and places limited to 60 in total.
The day will run from 9.30am to 3.30pm at our site in Cambridgeshire, CB7 5XF. Please click on the link to the right to book your space. If you have any further questions, please call us on 01353 720 748 or email [email protected].