Kamil will make a presentation on the public involvementin tree management and also what citizens can do to
influence policy changes. These will include both the Bialowieza Forest case and also the protection of trees
outside of the forest.
In recent years they went through some major changes in the legislative system and therefore some part of the
presentation will include the Roads for Nature programme; its aim was to raise awareness and influence best
management practices of tree avenues (tree-lined roads).
Johns presentation will explore the idea of trees as a tool of social control. It is now well-established that trees
deliver a wide range of environmental, social and economic benefits to people, and that social conditions can be improved in a given area through the retention of existing trees and planting of new ones. However, throughout history the opposite has also been shown to be true; that through the removal of canopy cover or the failure to plant trees, social conditions can be made worse.
Location: Barcham Trees Plc, Eye Hill Drove,Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5XF
Time: 09.30am-04.30pm