Xyella fastidiosa was discovered in Italy in 2013 and France in 2015, as yet it is not present in the UK. The Uk is on a state of high alert as Xyella fastidiosa is classed as one of the most harmful plant pathogenic bacteria. It can attack a wide range of woody plants along with some herbaceous plants. The bacteria will live inside the xylem (the water conducting vessel) within the plants eventually block the supply of water and nutrients to the plant.
The bacterium xyella fastidiosa spread by xylem fluid feeding insects such as leafhoppers.
Leaf scorch
Wilting foliage
Withering branches
symptoms can vary depending on the host plant and its susceptibility to the disease, laboratory testing would be carried out to confirm its presence. Controls are in place should the disease reach the UK, if a plant is found to have the disease any plants that are susceptible with a 100m radius would be destroyed. A 10km restriction of movement of susceptible plants would be put in place along with a control on insects that spread the disease.
You must have a plant passport to import possible hosts such as Plane, Oak and Prunus, you must also notify the Uk plant health authorities so they can carry out inspections.
Xyella fastidiosa is also on the plant health risk register
Please see attached PDF for more details
For more information on xyella fastidiosa please visit Forestry.gov
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