Barcham Trees uses an Environmental Management System and as part of this Bio Security is a key part.
Bio Security at Barcham Trees involves the careful management of Plant Health as described below:
• To carry out a Pest Risk Analysis for the business and review annually.
• To ensure the business has designated person/s responsible for plant health, and ensure they are
adequately trained.
• To ensure the business remains up to date with all plant health legislation by close partnership with relevant parties, for example DEFRA.
• To have a system in place for the identification and quarantine of regulated pests and disease on the Nursery.
• To train all relevant staff in Plant Health best practice.
• To ensure the business has best practice in place for good husbandry standards across the Nursery.
• To ensure that all suppliers and contractors are fully aware of our Plant Health controls and follow these standards whilst working with Barcham Trees.
• To communicate with all staff the importance of Plant Health and the relevant procedures we have in place to manage good compliance.
• This policy will be signed off by the Managing Director.
• To ensure that Plant Health is part of our continual improvement cycle and is reviewed at least once per year.
The Management team recognises the value of involving all levels of staff to deliver this policy effectively. Employees will therefore participate in all stages of our Plant Health controls and will receive relevant training to enable them to fulfil their duties.
A signed copy of our Plant Health Policy can be sent on request.